This application generates a sawtooth wave with configurable constant controls for the amplitude and period and a variable offset control. Adjust the constant values to make changes and watch the DAPL declarations change as you send the new values to the DAP board. Adjust the variable value and watch as the new information is sent to the DAP board as the application runs.
or press Alt-S
on the keyboard.Stop!
or press Alt-S
on the keyboard.cAmpl0
and cPeriod0
. Click the Send to DAP0
edit box immediately reflect the changes made.Start!
and resize as preferred.Custom Design
window, change the offset using the variable control for vOffs
. Click the Send to DAP0
edit box immediately reflect the changes, but a LET
command updates the variable in the DAPL code running in the Interpreter
window to view the DAPL code sent to the DAP board and observe the changes made in the Automatic Declarations